External Links

Requires a Z-Code interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
The rules and the results of Michael Gentry's 1999 I-Comp.
Walkthrough and map
by David Welbourn

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Annoyed Undead

by Roger Ostrander

Vampire, Humor
Inform 6

About the Story

"You've awakened from a refreshing 500-year nap. Someone, without so much as a by-your-leave, has built a church over your crypt. Very trying for a hungry vampire." [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]

Page Update History

v.5: 20-Jun-2015 00:51 - David Welbourn (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
  v.4: 20-Jun-2015 00:51 - David Welbourn
Changed download links
v.3: 01-Mar-2008 05:56 - David Welbourn
Changed description
v.2: 26-Oct-2007 19:55 - Esa Peuha
Changed development system
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:47 - IFDB
Created page

Game Details