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by Charlie, Gabe, Zack, River

About the Story

You are challenged to a duel that will take place in 24 hours. Follow the townsfolk's schedules to get items, and trade items for guns. Depending on your actions leading up to the duel and the gun you purchase, different results will occur. Discover what's up with the residents of Tumble Town in your adventure in Yee' Howdy!

Page Update History

v.3: 13-Jan-2024 18:15 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs, description
  v.2: 11-Oct-2023 17:35 - gabeTelethia
Changed cover art
v.1: 11-Oct-2023 17:30 - gabeTelethia
Created page

Game Details