WAG Challenge

The Write A Game Challenge!

A game jam about game writing!

The « WAG challenge » is a friendly contest officially supported by the IGDA Game Writing SIG.
Entries will be judged on their writing by a jury of pro writers in the video game industry.
The main goal is to “Write A Game” in a month.

News & updates (RSS)


Official Web site: https://itch.io/jam/wag-challenge

Award date: September 8, 2015

Qualification opening date: June 1, 2015

Qualification closing date: July 1, 2015

Games and Awards

Search for games


For professional writers working in the game industry


For amateur writers

Runner-Up: Eravola, by Bjarke A. Larsen (Chronologist)
Honorable Mention: Beware The Faerie Food You Eat, by Astrid Dalmady

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