
Member since May 6, 2016
Last visited July 22, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): z8rsb3rkzvi32261

I am an old Infocom veteran. I played almost all of their games(certainly all of their earlier games), as a teen and into my early 20s. Zork II was my first, at age 12, followed soon after by Zork I, then the Enchanter Trilogy. I did not know that text adventures were still thriving, or even still available, till I found this website, and I am excited to be a member.

Interactive Fiction by IFonthebrain

Bullhockey!, by B F Lindsay (2018)
(9 ratings)
Your girlfriend has left you, leaving disturbing notes. And she--oops--lost your laundry. In various places. Around town. You can't have her back. But you can try to get your laundry.

The Incredibly Mild Misadventures of Tom Trundle, by B F Lindsay (2020)
(9 ratings)

"A frickin' important episode in my life." -- Tom Trundle, 17

Frenemies: or, I Won An Andy Phillips Game!, by B F Lindsay (2019)
(10 ratings)

When pulling on the door doesn't 'cut it'. A delightfully shameless, unforgivable one-room tribute to the games of Andy Phillips.

Bullhockey 2 - The Return of the Leather Whip, by B F Lindsay (2019)
(7 ratings)

Your girlfriend has disappeared--again--before your very ears.

Gone Out For Gruyère, by B F Lindsay (2019)
(12 ratings)

"Just TRY getting me out of the way! HA HA HA!!" chortled the giant wheel of cheese, diminishingly.

Recommended Lists by IFonthebrain

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Polls by IFonthebrain

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Reviews by IFonthebrain

Minor Arcana, by Jack Sanderson Thwaite   October 3, 2020
"I feel compelled to give a bit of instruction. You need to approach this experience with seriousness, and a heap of intuition. Or just..." - See the full review

Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, by Jim Aikin   July 19, 2019
"This has to be one of the most challenging puzzlers I have played--and I love puzzly IF games. Especially multi-level games, although..." - See the full review

Inside Woman, by Andy Phillips   June 14, 2019
"Like in all of Andy's games, you have to do your homework. Make your maps, make your lists, write important remarks and information down...." - See the full review

Enemies, by Andy Phillips   May 15, 2019
"This is probably the most macabre IF I've ever played, and I say this because a number of gruesomely slaughtered and posed bodies are..." - See the full review

Heist, by Andy Phillips   May 8, 2019
"This game is everything that I look for in a long and involving game--the kind that I always seek, I guess because I am an old-style IF..." - See the full review

See all 20 reviews by IFonthebrain
See all ratings and reviews by IFonthebrain