The Garlic Cage, Episode I, by Taro for writing , NOM3RCY for programing February 12, 2012 (edited: May 23, 2013)
"Yet another silly, random, and brutally unpolished game. The story is easy enough to follow - as you eventually discover, you are locked..." - See the full review
"You Find Yourself in a Room is short, simple, tedious at points, and yet oddly compelling. The parser is a bit on the clunky side, but..." - See the full review
Vigilante, by p0wn3d Games November 11, 2009 (edited: November 12, 2009)
"I'd snark, but I'm genuinely too dumbfounded to do anything of the sort. I never thought I'd see a game worse than Cortes's(sic) Creed or..." - See the full review
""The story genre is 'Mystery'." A clue in true David Lynch fashion, this game drops you in the middle of a mysterious corridor adjoining..." - See the full review
"This is the second one of Mr. McCall's student projects I've had the dubious honor of reviewing. I had no illusions of Cortes's..." - See the full review