Member since August 11, 2018
Last visited January 17, 2020
Profile ID (TUID): tny48gzzdz7dzi6
Writer of words, father of rats, wearer of beards.
Ostrich, by Jonathan Laury (2018) (18 ratings) A new government's coming. A populist government looking to shake up the status quo. Your job in the Advertising Corrections Team is safe enough, but as tensions rise and regulations tighten you... |
Understudied, by Jonathan Laury (2018) (6 ratings) Based on real events... It's press night in the West End, and in three hours the curtain will go up on a new rock musical version of a Shakespeare play. Sounds great, right? What could possibly go... |
The Devil and the Mayor, by Jonathan Laury (2019) (5 ratings) You've been summoned Up Top to make a deal, but do the humans really need much help damning themselves? Perhaps a little assistance wouldn't hurt... This is a Twine game where you play as a devil... |