Member since February 12, 2010
Last visited April 6, 2015
Profile ID (TUID): tje9mkx9qyk2bqk

Why hello there. I see that you're checking me out.

There's not much to describe. I suck at writing help menus/systems (so avoid it unless you want to laugh at me), I'm alright when it comes to writing IF and I'm worse at writing self-descriptive passages.

So why don't you go play a game, instead? Preferably one of mine. It'll only take you a few minutes.

However, I am a potential candidate for the Official Virtual Certificate of Winneringness. So there.

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Interactive Fiction by SP

The Empty Room, by Matthew Alger (2010)
(14 ratings)
You awake, finding yourself upon a hard, cool, plasticky surface. Placing your hands against the smooth floor you hoist yourself up. There's nothing here. Nothing at all. For you have found...

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