I'm a rarity in the IF community: I only play them, I do not author them, except in that sense that IF is a story told together by the author and the player.
about my ratings: if your "interactive" fiction is just static fiction with "click for next paragraph", expect a single star or 2 if the writing or story are any good. Conversely, if your game is just a plain, boring, puerile game with not enough fiction or good prose - like old Scott Adams wackyness - expect low rates too.
"I was surprised the implementation was pretty rough and lacking verbs and understanding, unlike previous works by the author. It is in..." - See the full review
"here's this game's blurb: "Explore the wizard Bartholloco's castle with the help of a versatile magic wand. Can you overcome his..." - See the full review
10pm, by litrouke October 5, 2017 (edited: October 6, 2017)
"guess what? I very much prefer the interactions-dialogues via graphical symbols - quite easy actually as you only have to choose between..." - See the full review
"poor guy uses twine to write out his inner rage against those lucky few economic elite bastards this clickable static fiction reads so..." - See the full review
"Kill or be killed in a manichean fictional setting. is it possible to even get killed? Perhaps it's random or just happens to be one of..." - See the full review