
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Member since March 10, 2009
Last visited June 30, 2017
Profile ID (TUID): knys0y9vmdy1s6aq

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I've written a few games and the book Twisty Little Passages. I've been part of IF projects including Mystery House Taken Over and the IF Walkthrough reading in Philadelphia. I teach classes where students write IF and undertake other work on digital literary systems. I'm now working on other games, other IF research and critical writing, and a development system for IF called Curveship.

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Interactive Fiction by nm

Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort (2000)
(134 ratings)
"With the cantankerous Wizard of Wordplay evicted from his mansion, the worthless plot can now be redeveloped. The city regulations declare, however, that the rip-down job can't proceed until all...

Book and Volume, by Nick Montfort (2005)
(13 ratings)
Your pager tickles you awake. Upstairs in the house of your childhood, in your room, and it must be time for school because -- no, it's the weekend, you remember, but your alarm is going off...

Winchester's Nightmare, by Nick Montfort (1999)
(7 ratings)

Venenarius Verborum, by Nick Montfort, Jarel (translation) (2008)
(1 rating)
Tras el misterioso fallecimiento del brujo propietario, el aņo pasado, sus herederos pusieron inmediatamente en venta la torre. No faltaban potenciales compradores para la finca, especialmente...

Wastes, by Nick Montfort (2017)
(1 rating)
A 256-byte production from The Trope Tank. Requires Python 3. Sorry for the unorthodox file extension, .py3 -- it is meant to emphasize that this will only work with Python 3.

See all 11 games by nm

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nm's Club Memberships

People's Republic of Interactive Fiction joined May 19, 2015