
Member since December 2, 2017
Last visited December 9, 2021
Profile ID (TUID): itk9j04ear9l7udn

I write games / interactive fiction / stories. I'm terrible at staying confined within one genre... must collect them all. I love a good collab, so if you need a writer or editor, feel free to hit me up.

Can be contacted as litrouke on twitter, tumblr, and gmail.
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Interactive Fiction by litrouke

January, by litrouke (2022)
(11 ratings)
A year in the life of a man after the end of the world....

Please Answer Carefully, by litrouke (2019)
(17 ratings)
A five-minute horror game about surveys and stalking. Made in 24 hours.

10pm, by litrouke (2017)
(25 ratings)
10pm, and dinner is still sitting in the oven. The TV is droning. The front door is closed. You look at the clock. You look at the door. You wait. --- Content warnings: profanity, allusions to sex...

The Second Floor, by litrouke (2017)
(4 ratings)
A survivor scrounges for supplies in a zombie apocalypse. --- Content warnings: lots of corpses, allusions to death and suicide. No real jumpscares. Contains sound.

aberrance, by litrouke (2023)
(3 ratings)
An accusation against the voiceless. 500-word game made in a couple days for Neo Twiny Jam. Sort of multiple endings, but they all lead to the same place. Cover art is a composite of the wall of a...

See all 8 games by litrouke

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Reviews by litrouke

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