
Member since September 23, 2018
Last visited December 12, 2020
Profile ID (TUID): h8mlhrrsn1oh3bq0

Interactive Fiction by kevan

The Stone Cage, by Kevan Davis (2009)
(2 ratings)

A neolithic hunter makes a strange discovery at the bottom of a deer trap.

Wikipedia: The Text Adventure, by Kevan Davis (2017)
(2 ratings)
This isn’t Wikipedia as we know it, but Wikipedia in the style of a text adventure. The game is played online and generated from live Wikipedia data, allowing the player to visit any article which...

The Man from DEFRA, by Kevan Davis (2002)
(2 ratings)

You play as a goat whose goal is to prevent the slaughter of yourself and your herd by health officials from DEFRA. (DEFRA is the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, a UK government...

Escape from the SS Borgarís, by Kevan Davis (2003)
(2 ratings)

A stowaway on a cruise ship awakes to find the vessel deserted.

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