

Member since June 12, 2018
Last visited October 25, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): bdigy4y9sqpvtp62

Interactive Fiction by Ola

A few hours later in the day of The Egocentric, by Ola Hansson (2024)
(13 ratings)
Walk around a comic strip in which an absurdly egocentric guy gets caught in the crossfire between two tough guy-LARPing elderly track and field officials who've turned their starter-pistol hobby...

The Man Who Calls The Shots, by Ola Hansson (2018)
(2 ratings)
Two guys in a short comic book-styled story. Who are they? If you figure it out before the ninth and last panel, you might reach a happy ending.

The Copyright of Silence, by Ola Hansson (2020)
(14 ratings)
A chamber play in a board game. Short play-through time, but victory will require plenty of replaying. You are visiting John Cage, the composer. Use stealth to navigate his apartment as well as his...

Recommended Lists by Ola

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Polls by Ola

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Reviews by Ola

Bee, by Emily Short   September 14, 2022
"I got a glimpse into a world I didn't know much about and found pretty much all of the characters relatable as well as interesting."