
Vancouver Washington

Member since October 25, 2011
Last visited November 4, 2011
Profile ID (TUID): b43nryoly8d97h0d

I grew up playing various games like the zork games and other interactive fiction....I've played various sierra and lucasarts games along with others. Later, as an adult I found baf and other sites. I have tried my hand at making games before and have even "played" around with Adrift to make my own interactive fiction games. I just don't have any released games for various reasons...(I have some bad habits like - not making copies of things, not finishing projects, I spend more time doing other things than working on my own projects, ect. along with real life getting in the way)

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Reviews by k24601

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k24601's Play Lists

Played Games

Alabaster, by John Cater, Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee, Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante, Emily Short, Adam Thornton, Ziv Wities
Floatpoint, by Emily Short
Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
Wonderland, by David Bishop, Bob Coles, Paul Findley, Ken Gordon, Richard Huddy, Steve Lacey, Doug Rabson, Anita Sinclair, Hugh Steers and Mark Taylor
Tass Times in Tonetown, by Michael Berlyn and Muffy Berlyn

See all 16 entries in the Played List

Wish List

This member hasn't added any games to her Wish List yet.