Member since June 23, 2008
Last visited November 22, 2015
Profile ID (TUID): 9beq6grzagcu4jre
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Moon-Shaped, by Jason Ermer (2006) In this game partly inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, you play as Rosalind Wechsler, a girl on the cusp of her 13th birthday. What begins as a trip to Grandmother's house in the woods leads to... |
Untold Riches, by Jason Ermer (2015) You were reluctant to undertake another adventure with Professor d'Squarius (especially after the last near-catastrophe, in the Tomb of the Screaming Mummies), and from the moment you agreed to... |
Escape From Santaland, by Jason Ermer (2011) Ugh. Christmastime at the mall. The last place you want to be, during the worst time of year to be there. |