Jason Ermer

Seattle, Washington

Member since June 23, 2008
Last visited November 22, 2015
Profile ID (TUID): 9beq6grzagcu4jre

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Interactive Fiction by Jason Ermer

Moon-Shaped, by Jason Ermer (2006)
(38 ratings)
In this game partly inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, you play as Rosalind Wechsler, a girl on the cusp of her 13th birthday. What begins as a trip to Grandmother's house in the woods leads to...

Untold Riches, by Jason Ermer (2015)
(21 ratings)
You were reluctant to undertake another adventure with Professor d'Squarius (especially after the last near-catastrophe, in the Tomb of the Screaming Mummies), and from the moment you agreed to...

Escape From Santaland, by Jason Ermer (2011)
(22 ratings)
Ugh. Christmastime at the mall. The last place you want to be, during the worst time of year to be there.

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Reviews by Jason Ermer

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