Member since January 5, 2014
Last visited January 26, 2014
Profile ID (TUID): 76iqseuxqe03rjjx
Interactive Fiction by Davecave
Where is Everybody?, by D.B.T (2015)
(1 rating)
A town of silence, placed somewhere in the mid-west of a country much like our own. Once a population in the thousands and now its only resident is yourself. For it is like everyone just vanished...
Christmas Adventure or How Hitler tried to steal Christmas, by D.B.T (2014)
(1 rating)
A simple 14 room Christmas Adventure game that I whipped up cause the holidays are right around the corner. I figured why not share with you guys a little game with an odd sense of humor. You play...
Not Another Night, by D.B.T (2015)
(1 rating)
A text adventure game that brings you upon the final moments of existence right before all heck breaks loose. It's a 20 room text adventure. I hope you like it. Thank you.
Dark Realm, by D.B.T (2014)
(2 ratings)
A dark psychological horror game, to which you play a nameless character, who finds themselves in a world of death and darkness. Where you must find a way out of the madness before it engulfs you....
The Cabin, by D.B.T (2015)
(1 rating)
A cabin rests in the woods and you are seeking peace and quiet. But alas the human mind isn't always so accommodating. You are recovering from a nervous breakdown which has left you on edge. The...
See all 53 games by Davecave
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