Member since October 30, 2019
Last visited October 6, 2020
Profile ID (TUID): 57mkhb8i85w51b37
Interactive Fiction by markcmarino
| Moondrop Isle, by Ryan Veeder, Nils Fagerburg, Joey Jones, Zach Hodgens, Jason Love, Mark Marino, Carl Muckenhoupt, Sarah Willson, Caleb Wilson (2024) (6 ratings) The Third Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction invites you to visit Moondrop Isle. |
Living Will, by Mark Marino (2012)
(14 ratings)
As an heir to the fortune of the Coltan-magnate ER Millhouse, you can expand your inheritance or become buried in medical and legal fees as you peruse his living will and discover the story behind...
| Flight of the Code Monkeys, by Mark C. Marino (2019) (7 ratings) You have one job: Correct the errors in the System code. It's menial work, but it pays the bills. Only, maybe you'd rather not... What are you? Just a CodeMonkey? Perhaps you could join the... |
Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House, by Mark Marino (2013)
(11 ratings)
2 boys arrive at a magical foster home... My kids & I wrote this as the 1st in a series for children 7-11. We aimed for simple choice-driven IF that emphasizes not so much the pyrotechnics but the...
Refugee, by Mark C. Marino (2017)
(4 ratings)
Nine refugees embark on an odyssey aboard a raft, exchanging tales of jealous gods and proxy wars while trying to reach safety. Author's Comment: "The global political forces are playing out in a...
See all 6 games by markcmarino
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