
Results for tag:violence
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So I Mangled My Mom

, by Aaron Oldenburg (1995)
Tags matched: violence

Station Wagon Blues

, by Gary Driggs
Tags matched: violence

The Child Murderer

, by Michael Zerbo (1994)
Tags matched: violence

The Door to Utopia

, by David Whyld (2002)
Tags matched: violence

The Forbidden Lands, Book I: The City of Falchon

, by Anonymous (1993)
Tags matched: violence

THYPT - The Penultimate Adventure

, by Anonymous (1997)
Tags matched: violence

Virtua School

, by Dana LoDico and Josh Noe (1997)
Tags matched: violence

The Terror of Mecha Godzilla: The True Story

, by Fredrik Ramsberg (1993)
Tags matched: violence

Edgar Huntly

, by Carrie Shanafelt, adapted from Charles Brockden Brown (2005)
Tags matched: violence

La Corde sensible

by Kevin Langouët
Tags matched: violence

I am a math teacher and I am about to die

by George Smolik
Tags matched: violence

The Perils of Being an Intergalactic Wallflower

, by Whisperbat (2013)
Tags matched: violence

The Jinni

, by Alexander Newcombe (2016)
Tags matched: violence

The Right Side of Town

by Javy Gwaltney, Kitty Horrorshow, Erandi Huipe, Matt Schanuel
Tags matched: violence

Mighty Mage

by IncogitableZ
Tags matched: violence


by Soot
Tags matched: violence

Once Upon a Time in the West

by Lord Ruthven 2000
Tags matched: violence


, by ISTA Group
Tags matched: violence

A Hunger Games Prequel, by Connor

, by Connor B. (2016)
Tags matched: violence

The Last Hero

, by Wayde Butsim-Bairstow (2014)
Tags matched: violence
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