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This game requires an Amazon Alexa device to play, but is free if you own one of those devices. It currently runs on the Echo and the Echo Dot.

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You Got This, Brutadon!

by Plus Ultra

Amazon Alexa

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About the Story

You're the hype man and personal trainer for a towering kaiju named Brutadon-- your loyal friend since middle school, and a noble soul dedicated to the preservation of planet Earth.

Using your inventory of four different encouraging and instructive shouts, you must help Brutadon survive a truly gruesome battle with Gromulox, a far-more-disgusting kaiju intent on destroying the city.

This game only runs on Amazon Alexa devices, but is free if you own one of those devices. As of initial publishing, this game runs on the Echo and the Echo Dot. The game is entirely text, but that text is read out to you by the Alexa voice software, and your commands are delivered via voice only.

The game contains descriptions of kaiju violence and is not appropriate for children.


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