
Results for system:ADVENT
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Licensed to Chip

, by Matthew Wilson

Look at All the Pretty Lights

, by Chris Ridings (1992)

The Lost Tomb of Ananka

by Jon R. Lemmon

The Lost Temple of the Incas

, by Simon Wood (1989)


by Renato Degiovani

The Canasto Rebellion

, by Trevor Taylor (1988)

The Caves of Skull

, by Martin Freemantle (1995)

Cell of the Ridges

, by Graham Burtenshaw

The Challenge of Iythus

, by David Court (1988)

The Chameleon Key

, by Sharon Harwood (1994)

Curse of the Serpent's Eye

, by Martin Freemantle (1993)


, by Matthew Wilson (1989)

Crystal Quest

, by Chris Chadwick (1988)

Dark Storm

, by Shawn P. Hill (1989)

A Day in the Life of a Tupperware Salesman

, by Simon Avery (1995)

Deadly Silence

, by Jason Nicholls (1991)

Death or Glory

, by Martin Freemantle (1993)

Deception of the Mind's Eye

by Gareth Pitchford


, by Trevor Whitsey

Deliverer 2: Escape to Eskelos

, by Brian Parks (1987)
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