
Results for series:A
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A Date With Death

, by David Whyld (2008)
(7 ratings)

Hinterlands: Marooned!

by Cody Gaisser
(7 ratings)

Duplicita: Episode 1

, by Sean Hwang and Doug Lindsay (2014)
(4 ratings)

Fingertips: Aren't You the Guy Who Hit Me in the Eye?

, by Michael D. Hilborn (2012)
(9 ratings)

Galaxy Trek Adventure #1

by Howard Batie
(3 ratings)

Savage Island, Part II

by Scott Adams and Russ Wetmore
(3 ratings)

Trail Stash

by Andrew Schultz
(12 ratings)

Quest for the Fire Dragon

, by John Nelson and Frank Kunze (2004)
(2 ratings)


, by Hoyle Purvis (1991)
(2 ratings)

Quest for the Holy Grail

, by Evan Hodson (1983)
(2 ratings)

Kaboot's Story

, by Josh Giesbrecht (2005)
(2 ratings)

The Manxome Foe

, by Ray Olszewski (1984)
(2 ratings)

The Black Castle of NaGog

, by Doug Burrows (1984)
(2 ratings)


, by Roger Pender (1984)
(2 ratings)

Caves of Treasure Island

, by Geoffrey Genz and Paul Braun (1981)
(2 ratings)

The Temple of Ngurct

, by James Plamondon and Robert Plamondon (1982)
(2 ratings)

The Senator's Chambers

, by James Plamondon (1982)
(2 ratings)

The Pirate's Cave

, by Margaret Anderson (1992)
(2 ratings)

Attack of the Kretons

, by Nate Segerlind (1990)
(2 ratings)

interesting coat

, by malachy_o (2014)
(2 ratings)
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