
Results for genre:comedy
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The Failed Career of Dave Goodberg

by Parallax
(2 ratings)

Celine Adventures

, by natulia (2013)
(2 ratings)

Sir Loin and the Coming of Age

, by CJ592 (2007)

Sir Loin 2: The Phantom Dennis

, by CJ592 (2007)

Sir Loin 3: The Quest for the Holy Quail

, by CJ592 (2008)

Shiversword: The Beginning

, by CJ592 (2007)

Shiversword 2: The Magic Harp

, by CJ592 (2008)

Mitchell Quest

, by Rob Sedler (2003)

Operation: Sleepover

, by Justin Bailey (2005)

Get Out of The House!

, by Steve Lingle (2004)

redsauce - the game

, by Tom Clark (2010)

Hospital Visit

, by Katamari (2011)

Into The Briny Blue

, by SJL (2011)

Thy Dungeonman

, by sgreig (2012)

Quest For The Golden Lunchbox

, by Huw Jones (2012)

Tetudo's Quest

, by lucas zaper (2012)

Doug's Amazing Adventure: a slice of interactive fiction featuring Haivercraft

, by Matt (2012)

Time Trip

, by Jonathan (2012)

Pit Ponies

, by sparklepeep (2012)

The Mold Cage

, by Mike Fairhurst (2013)
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