
Results for genre:Literary
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Auden's Eden

, by Tommy Herbert (2004)
(3 ratings)

Through the Looking Glass

, by Gareth Rees (1995)
(3 ratings)

The Tempest

, by David R. Grigg (1992)

The Thirty-Nine Steps

, by Jack Lockerby (1995)

Voices of Spoon River

by Jon Scoresby, Tim Stowell, Tom Caswell, Jared Bernotski, Marie Duncan, Marian Jensen, Jennifer Jorgensen, and Brett Shelton
(1 rating)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

, by Anonymous (1985)
(1 rating)

Der kleine Hobbit

, by Michael Nickles (1984)
(1 rating)

Quest of Erebor

, by Sam Ruby (1987)
(1 rating)

Return to Moria

, by Sam Ruby (1987)
(1 rating)

Seas of Blood

by Mike Woodroffe and Alan Cox
(1 rating)

Feast of Carroll

, by Dan Lilienkamp and Jon Lilienkamp (1984)
(1 rating)


, by Nils Eng (1989)
(1 rating)

Alice in Wonderland

, by Robin Johnson (1989)
(1 rating)

Temple of Terror

by Simon Woodroffe and Mike Woodroffe
(1 rating)

The Magical Monarch of Mo

, by Anonymous (1985)
(1 rating)

The Land of the Cyclops

by Francesco Cordella and Simone Di Conza
(3 ratings)

The Cross of Fire

, by Matthew Carey (2003)
(2 ratings)


, by David A. Clysdale (1999)
(2 ratings)

The Hobbit

, by Serhei Makarov (2005)
(3 ratings)

Lord of the Rings: Game One

by Philip Mitchell, Michael O'Rourke, Paul Kidd, Lyn C
(7 ratings)

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