
Results for author:Christopher Cole
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17 results found

Pool Party

, by Christopher Cole, A. Bomire (2004)
(2 ratings)

Camp Windy Lake

, by Christopher Cole (2002)
(7 ratings)

Encounter 1: Tim's Mom

, by Christopher Cole (2002)
(5 ratings)

Lara Croft: The Sun Obelisk

, by Christopher Cole (2003)
(1 rating)

Encounter 2: The Study Group

, by Christopher Cole (2002)
(6 ratings)

The Gamma Gals

, by Christopher Cole (2002)
(5 ratings)

Doctor Who and the Vortex of Lust

, by Christopher Cole (2002)
(4 ratings)

Eterna Corp

, by Christopher Cole (2002)
(1 rating)

Diary of a Stripper

, by Christopher Cole (2003)
(1 rating)


, by Christopher Cole (2003)

Camp Windy Lake: Part 2

, by Christopher Cole (2003)

Encounter 3: Lynn's Sleepover

, by Christopher Cole (2002)

Encounter 4: Mrs. Parker

, by Christopher Cole (2003)


by Christopher Cole

The Beach

, by Christopher Cole (2004)

Mount Voluptuous

, by Christopher Cole (2004)

Prom Night

, by Sir Gareth and Christopher Cole (2002)