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To begin

by Fra Enrico - 4 games
"If you are new to the IF, I suggest to start with a bunch of games. Some are easy to play and to get into the thing, some are so great that make you fall in love with the genre."

Deep and long puzzle adventures

by Maze - 6 games
"I always loved adventures. And I like them long and involving, with good, difficult puzzles. This is a list of the best ones I played. I placed Infocom's games in last place, not because they're no good, but because they're usually not..."

IF for a laugh

by Maze - 6 games
"A list of games that will make you laugh. Most of them are very short, but there are a few longer ones. The order is in term of *laughs*, top to bottom."

Games for Handheld Devices

by Marius Müller - 5 games
"This (by no means complete list) lists game which are easy to play on Handheld devices, because they require neither extensive note-taking nor mapping."

Great setting

by Timo Saarinen - 3 games
"Smart puzzles and good writing don't alone make a good game. The setting and overall atmosphere are equally important."

Not Too Long, Not Too Difficult

by Eric Mayer - 8 games
"Being impatient and puzzle-challenged, I prefer rather short games that I can make it through without resorting to hints every other turn. The following leap to mind, in no particular order."

My Favorite Games

by Lady Sarah - 2 games

Tragedy in interactive fiction

by lobespear - 3 games
"The following games that play with the medium were used as examples of approaches to tragedy in interactive fiction at a Cambridge University lecture in 2007."

The Best Puzzle Games There Ever Were

by jingold - 4 games
"Puzzle games are out of vogue these days and even if they weren't, I just don't feel like I have the time to play them any more. But when I did, I loved them, and these are the ones I loved the most."

Games Worth Playing

by Jim Turner - 7 games
"Some of the games I liked best."

My favorite games

by Paolo Lucchesi - 5 games
"A brief list of the games I've liked, and I would recommend to another player"

Active Non-player Characters

by Emily Short - 26 games
"Games which make use of non-player characters that have a great deal of independence, often moving around and acting on their own, or taking the lead in conversation. Some of these are more successful than others, but all are likely to..."

Puzzle Based Small Games

by NiMuSi - 6 games
"Small games where the emphasis is on the puzzles. These small games all have puzzles with, on the main, logical answers. "

Plot-heavy IF

by Emily Short - 10 games
"Interactive fiction with a lot of plot -- many scenes and events moving the player forward, rather than just a collection of puzzles. Some of these works are fairly difficult and do use puzzles as pacing devices, while others are low in..."

Metatextual Conceits

by Michael Martin - 7 games
"Most works of IF present themselves as works of IF, to be interacted with by you, the user, much as a reader would read a novel. These games play with or reject this, by presenting themselves as some other kind of artifact, or by..."

Highly Recommended

by Wendymoon - 10 games
"I like great writing, interesting characters, a little mystery, romance and sci-fi."


by evil tabby cat - 2 games
"These are games which either sent a shiver down my spine, or made me look at reality differently. Only including games I've actually completed."

Innovative Interactive Fiction

by Victor Gijsbers - 7 games
"Much Interactive Fiction, and some of the best, quite obviously descends from Zork and other early Infocom text adventures. But some of it departs from that terrain, and attempts to take the medium to new and unexplored areas. I here..."

Delron Recommended ADRIFT Games

by Richard Otter - 9 games
"This is a list of my favourite ADRIFT games, which I consider are well worth a look."

IF For Libraries

by pwaak - 11 games
"I have examined the licensing and reviews for these games. They all conform to the selection policy of a typical public library in Texas. Your mileage may vary. Academic libraries may consider this list conservative while school..."
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