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Good games

by Simon Deimel - 9 games
"This is a list of games that affected me. Their contents had a certain impact on me and kept my mind busy even some time after I had finished playing."

Games I Use At School

by Herr Rau - 4 games
"I teach German, English and Computer Sciences and find IF useful in all subjects."


by @Johnnydjent - 1 game
"Games that I have not yet played, but will."

intriguing games i want to play

by vincent - 20 games

An Incomplete List of IF That I've Come To Love

by Wes Modes - 3 games

8-Bit Basic games under 20k

by jgerrie - 8 games

2013 XYZZY Awards Nominees

by Molly - 25 games
"Here are the nominees for the 2013 XYZZY Awards, roughly by order of appearance on the finalist page. Note that this list does not cover the Best Technological Development Award."

Underrated Menu-Driven Games

by forgepoet - 9 games
"Menu-driven games that I think should have wider exposure. Games that might not be perfect but deserve better than no reviews or no rating."

IF Playlist for the Brontoboards

by Molly - 27 games
"This is a list I created as a general guide to interactive fiction for a thread I'm making on Brontoforumus. I'm trying to give a good overview to both parser IF (usually called "text adventures") and choice-based IF (or..."

Must try

by Kku2611 - 36 games
"I am new to IF and collect all of the recommended games under a list for future consulting."

Most Fun to Play

by bluevelvetwings - 6 games
"These games have unique gameplay or character perspective. Most have unique mechanics or are otherwise just different. I had a lot of fun with all of these."

The Best of the Best

by bluevelvetwings - 6 games
"Whether because of amazing writing, immersive plot, unique atmosphere, or whatever else, these are the games I personally consider the best IF has to offer. ..."

Literary IF

by streever - 6 games
"Games that have literary merit make this list. To be accepted, a game should: 1. Evoke deeper themes and meaning, without being blunt. 2. Consistently employ good writing, both in dialogue and descriptions. 3. Tell a rich story from..."

Word-play and word puzzles

by streever - 6 games
"This is my list of fun games for word-play/puzzles. Some of them have substantial stories, and some do not."


by rainbowstreakedskies - 1 game

Played, mixed opinion

by exomarch - 1 game

Games of Awesomeness

by Christopher Caesar - 3 games
"My favorite text games so far."

Society, Socialites and Social Climbing

by E.K. - 13 games
"Games where the protagonist has to navigate aspirational society in some way, whether it is an attempt at climbing the social ladder or avoiding those who seek to do so. Status, gossip, backstabbing and money are the orders of the day..."

Unique puzzle games

by Shadow Fox - 7 games
"This list is focused on shorter games that really made me think. Each one is unique, with interesting settings and mechanics. They may not be the hardest games out there, but beating these made me feel very satisfied with myself. "

Fun and funny

by Shadow Fox - 5 games
"These are games that captured my attention and made me laugh. All of them are lighthearted, most of them are funny, and one is just plain cute. "
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