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by mjhayes - 3 games
"Some files were created as references to other IF at the time, or even as educational interactive tutorials. Here they get their own obscure place in the spotlight."


by mjhayes - 3 games
"In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, some games were so bad that somebody decided to come along and spoof them. Not all of them work on all interpreters, but it's good to play through each one for a few laughs."

Multiple Choice

by mjhayes - 4 games
"IF pieces that use a "multiple choice" interface rather than a full parser. Might be as interactive as a Choose Your Own Adventure book, but can be thought-provoking all the same."

RPG Games

by mjhayes - 4 games
"IF that integrates common elements of role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons"

Abuses of the IF engine

by mjhayes - 21 games
"Although various interpreters were written to facilitate play and creation of interactive stories, it should be obvious that some people would find ways to write computer games using the various aspects of the interpreters."

Puzzle-less IF

by mjhayes - 3 games
"Interactive stories without the puzzles. Most of them are short, and morbid as well, so be prepared."

Honorable Mentions

by mjhayes - 5 games
"These are pieces of IF that were written with a specific writing concept in mind. They deserve mention for their respective authors' efforts."

All-Time Favorites

by mjhayes - 3 games
"These are the games that I recommend for people new to IF."

Best of 2015 (pre-IF Comp)

by MathBrush - 16 games
"These are my favorite games that have been released this year so far. I'm sure I've missed some good ones. I'm also including some I haven't yet played. PLEASE comment if you think any other games belong on this list."

Great Twine/Choice games for those skeptical of the format

by MathBrush - 25 games
"I didn't like Twine at first, but slowly I've changed my opinion about it, until now, many of my favorite games are Twine/Choice games (including Varytale or choice-style parser games). These games tend to be very different genres from..."

Fictions interactives pour enfants en français

by dutchmule - 9 games
"Cette liste donne des idées de fictions interactives appropriées et recommandées pour les enfants. Listé par ordre alphabétique. Merci à Otto pour la liste originale."

Games of Infocom quality and length (or better)

by MathBrush - 41 games
"These are games that are as long as an Infocom game (i.e. Shade would be too short) and are as good quality (so Colossal Cave Adventure, though fun, is out). By quality, I mean the kind of things accomplished by numerous testers: few..."

List of games with 'forced input'

by dutchmule - 10 games
"This is a list of games which use a specific text effect, which I call "forced input" here (don't know if it has a better name): it's when the game shows you a command prompt, but regardless of what the player types, the command that..."

Linear thriller games

by MathBrush - 17 games
"These are games that are pretty straightforward, and which are designed to be easy enough that you can keep moving forward while hard enough to make you nervous. These games get your blood pumping."

Favorite semi-linear games

by MathBrush - 23 games
"These are games like Anchorhead where you have a large amount of freedom, but you can't always return to the beginning. Generally these games are divided into chapters or days, with each one like its own mini game."

Big, non-linear adventure games with score system

by MathBrush - 33 games
"These are classic-style games, where you have to collect a large variety of objects while exploring a cave or building. My favorite way to play these games is to start playing without hints, mapping out the world and seeing what all I..."

Andromeda Series

by Infinite999 - 4 games
"This is a list for all of the games in the Andromeda Series in this recommended playing order: 1. Andromeda Awakening - The Final Cut 2. Andromeda Dreaming 3. Andromeda Apocalypse - Extended Edition 4. Andromeda Ascending"

Great "white hat" horror games by genre

by MathBrush - 36 games
"This list does not include games intended to disgust or to make you personally feel evil. The focus is on games where good overcomes evil, or that just make you think. That is what I mean by "white hat" games. Games like Vespers or..."

Favorites (games that will get you hooked on IF)

by crown_etherette - 6 games
"This list is for Vern and includes my favorite titles to date. I prefer puzzle games with extensive environments to explore."

ZX Spectrum / SAM Adventures I enjoy

by chris00 - 10 games
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