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Favorite "atmosphere" games

by MathBrush - 46 games
"These are games that are fun because of the atmosphere and plot more than the puzzles. These games are not too hard and not too easy. They generally have a big over-arching theme. I have included most horror and comedy games in other..."

Historical Setting

by Teaspoon - 5 games
"Some good games with a historical setting. Will be added to as I go along. "

Games that Brought Me Back to IF

by BeingTheWriter - 4 games
"I was really into interactive fiction about five years ago. Getting my day job killed off my time to play, as well as the death of my laptop and good enough phone. But now I'm back thanks to an app on my phone. So these are the games I..."

Games for Cindy

by Matt Bates - 8 games
"Games that I would love to share with you."

"My apartment" games

by MathBrush - 18 games
"It's a trope in interactive fiction that first time author's tend to model their own home or apartment in detail as an experiment in programming. To see if this trope is true, I've created a list of 'my apartment' games. Because in most..."

Twine SFX 2015

by verityvirtue - 4 games
"Twines released in 2015 which use interesting effects (which I, er, want to use as well. Yes.). Suggestions welcome."

TV, Film, Music and Theatre related games

by MathBrush - 21 games
"This is a collection of games that are related to the film, tv, music or theatre industries, without regard to quality."

A Doll's House

by verityvirtue - 7 games
"Games which feature female protagonists who mature through the progress of the game."

Combinatorial Explosion

by verityvirtue - 3 games
"Combinatorial explosion is a name fitting for a band, or a game about chemistry, but, according to mama Wikipedia, it refers to "the effect of functions that grow very rapidly as a result of combinatorial considerations". There you have..."

Vinesauce's Joel Might Love These Games

by TheVoid - 5 games
"Games Joel, aka Vargskelethor on Twitch, would likely enjoy playing for a "text Adventure Madness" stream"

Games that I couldn't put down

by MathBrush - 35 games
"These are games that for some reason or over I just couldn't stop playing and thinking about. There are no specific reasons given. These aren't necessarily my favorite games; one reason they are pageturner is that the pacing is good and..."

Cat simulators

by verityvirtue - 7 games
"Games in which the PC is a cat, or which revolve closely around a particular cat. Generally pleasant games. I have thought about whether I should include Taghairm, but... well. "

Thoughtful Games

by ToALonelyPeace - 4 games
"provoking, intriguing games I have played"

Apollo 18+20

by Teaspoon - 38 games
"Interactive fiction games, with one game per track on the album Apollo 18 by They Might Be Giants. The regular tracks are generally short games. The Fingertips tracks are one-move games (however the authors interpreted that). The games..."

British setting

by Teaspoon - 5 games
"Good games in a British setting. "

Games about interactive fiction itself

by MathBrush - 31 games
"This is hopefully my last list. These are games that comment on the nature of interactive fiction or the interactive fiction community itself. The quality of these games varies wildly, and this list doesn't attempt to sort by quality...."

Games set in hell

by verityvirtue - 6 games
"Games in which a major setting is hell, the underworld, Hades or some variation thereof. Omissions likely because I haven't played the game, and, as always, suggestions are welcome."

Silly/goofy/purposely bad games

by MathBrush - 9 games
"These are games that are funny because they are ridiculous or completely absurd. This does not include games like Tex Bonaventure or Rogue of the Multiverse which have developed plot lines and long stretches of non absurdity."

Games that made me smile

by MathBrush - 48 games
"I wanted to do a list of comedy games, but I think people rarely think "I want to play a comedy game"; to me, the phrase brings up some kind of jokey, goofy game, like many of the poorly made Twine games that people make now. Instead,..."

Time travel games

by MathBrush - 25 games
"These are games where the main puzzles are centered on time travel. I'm splitting this off from my science fiction list. Many games include one or two time travel puzzles, such as Spellbreaker or Curses!. But this list is for games whose..."
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