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Stiffy Through The Ages

by Ivanr - 7 games
"One of the most enduring characters in interactive fiction is a guy named Stiffy. Stiffy Makane. A misogynistic, notoriously ill-coded three-room game from 1997 launched an enduring inside joke, and over the past 20 years the ribald id..."

Excellent IF Games With Unfair Puzzles

by Canalboy - 5 games
"A Selection Of Enjoyable IF That Contain(s) Ridiculous Puzzles. All the games mentioned are enjoyable to me and of a very high standard generally."

Games I've enjoyed

by Six31 - 8 games
"Games that I've found enjoyable, either because of their immersive environments, satisfying puzzles, or a combination of both. Games that I recommend to others who want to step into the world of interactive fiction."


by MÅNEMANN - 1 game
"It's the MOON list."


by Ilex - 1 game

Excellent Writing

by Ilex - 2 games

Lucid's Games

by Lucid - 6 games
"Lucid's Games"

Something Moving Under The Bed recommended IF

by Something Moving Under The Bed - 6 games

Doug's Top Ten of IF Comp 2015

by Doug Orleans - 10 games
"I played all 53 entries in IF Comp 2016. These were the top ten games on my ballot. Note that I rate games on slightly different criteria for the IF Comp than I do for IFDB; in particular, as per the Comp rules, I select my vote after..."

Doug's Top Ten of IF Comp 2016

by Doug Orleans - 10 games
"I played all but one of the 58 entries in IF Comp 2016 (I couldn't play Labyrinth of Loci because I don't have access to Windows or Mac OS). These were the top ten games on my ballot. Note that I rate games on slightly different criteria..."

Unusual input schemes

by Felix Pleșoianu - 5 games
"Nowadays most IF is either parser-based or else choice-based. But a few games occupy a space between the lines, so to speak. These are some examples."

vv's comfort food IF

by verityvirtue - 8 games
"Like it says on the tin. I hope these give you a measure of comfort as well."


by Xuan Li - 5 games

Favorites (well-built)

by Xuan Li - 14 games

Must-Play IF

by gettera - 4 games
"There are some games I think everyone should play--as I play through them, I'll add the best games here."

Games That Made Me Cry

by gobbldygook - 1 game
"I just recently started playing IF games, and have had a variety of experiences - this list collects the games I've played that moved me on a deeply emotional level. "

Games I Have Played

by Canis - 9 games
"Just so I can keep track of them."

Cute games

by MathBrush - 24 games
"These are games which are cute and/or sweet, in the sense that they are pleasant, relaxing, appropriate for children, or meant to warm your heart. This doesn't include absurdist games or more traditional fairy tales with strong elements..."

Games I consider to be excellent

by Packhandle Failure - 10 games
"I freakin' love these games, man"

Games what I like (for John)

by insufficient data - 20 games
"These are some games that I like! They tend to err on the side of puzzle-y vs pure story games, and on the more polite side of the cruelty scale. "
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