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Big, difficult games that I always return to.

by calindreams - 3 games
"Maybe I'm a masochist. I'm not very good at puzzles and I've got the attention span of a gnat. But for some reason I'm always drawn to big difficult games. I like games where you have a lot room to explore and you don't get stuck in one..."

Games with solutions

by macco3k - 1 game

Enduring Classics of Parser IF

by Ivanr - 9 games
"There are probably other lists like this, but this one is mine. Canonical/classic/highly-regarded works of (noncommercial, parser) IF that have stood the test of time -- i.e., that are at least fifteen years old (an arbitrary cutoff) as..."

Felicity Drake's favorite interactive fiction

by Felicity Drake - 9 games
"Personal favorites!"

Games for my friends

by Shchekotiki - 11 games

A Year on IFDB: The games that have stayed with me

by Spike - 12 games
"About a year ago I discovered post-AGT interactive fiction. Since then I've played a lot of great IF games. This list consists of the ones that have stuck with me the most. They're not necessarily the ones I rated the highest immediately..."

Twine stories

by Boris - 3 games
"Once you've published your work, consider adding it to the IFDB."

Recommended list

by DAB - 9 games


by Xuan Li - 4 games
"memorable stuff?"

Bronxsta’s favorites

by Bronxsta - 8 games
"My favorite games "

Simulation games

by SpesKnight - 17 games
"Games that simulate something, not just IF stories but kind of management games made with IF engines"

Opus Ignored: Big games that didn't take off

by MathBrush - 14 games
"It happens over and over: an author spends hundreds of hours on a game, often setting up a commercial company, and then releases it to almost total silence. This list contains such games, as well as other big games where the author was..."

Best of Level 9

by Denk - 7 games
"After Infocom and Magnetic scrolls, Level 9 is perhaps the best known IF company. Though their first games had a very primitive parser, their last games had very advanced parser similar to infocom. These are my favorites. If you can..."


by Xavid - 8 games
"a twine album by the Society of Narrativist Progenitors with apologies to They Might Be Giants and the People's Republic of Interactive Fiction (Twine games based on the track of the same name from the They Might Be Giants album..."

Games with mostly custom responses

by dutchmule - 4 games
"Here is a list of games in which most, if not all, of the default responses have been replaced by a custom response. There are prominent examples of such games, and they seem to be popular in the general audience, which could be..."

Surreal games on trains

by MathBrush - 16 games
"There is an unusually large amount of surreal games on trains (maybe from the Dark Tower?). Here are the ones I can find."

Spy games

by MathBrush - 22 games
"Games involving espionage, whether military or industrial. I've tried to put a few especially good games first, but the rest are in no particular order. This list includes games of excellent quality as well as games of lower quality."

Favourite games

by mirandamiranda - 2 games

Funny Games

by Ivanr - 6 games
"Okay, this is purely subjective, but since really successful comedy is so rare in IF I thought I'd collect what I consider to be the successes. Each of these is a game that made me grin. (To avoid killing any frogs, the commentary here..."

IF Arcade

by Ivanr - 5 games
"Graham Nelson once said that a text adventure is a "novel at war with a crossword puzzle". In some works, the novel wins, and in some the crossword wins. This is a list of games where both of them are trounced by the NES. In other words,..."
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