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Kiyo's Favorites

by Kiyo - 17 games
"A list to keep track of my personal favorite IF games. Opinions on each forthcoming. "

My new walkthroughs for February 2019

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Wednesday, February 27, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Museum educational games

by YuweiLin - 2 games
"These games were created by re-using materials released by the museums or galleries or libraries or local heritage services."

general stuff i dont want to lose

by Merrill - 12 games

My new walkthroughs for January 2019

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Tuesday, January 29, 2019, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for December 2018

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, December 28, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for November 2018

by David Welbourn - 11 games
"On Friday, November 23, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Sci-fi Games

by AnnaKingston - 1 game
"Sci-fi/Dystopian Games"

Best of Quest

by Denk - 6 games
"There are lots of Quest games, some better than others. These are my favourites:"

My new walkthroughs for October 2018

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, October 26, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

My new walkthroughs for September 2018

by David Welbourn - 6 games
"On Friday, September 28, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

A starter pack for those new to interactive fiction

by MathBrush - 31 games
"I had a list like this before which I deleted, but I noticed it had a lot of views on intfiction, so I thought I'd make a new one to help people out. It has 10 web-based games, 10 parser games for beginners and 10 parser games of medium..."

My new walkthroughs for August 2018

by David Welbourn - 5 games
"On Thursday, August 30, 2018, I published new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Some of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Sabrina's Recommended Reading

by ninethlion - 4 games

My new walkthroughs for July 2018

by David Welbourn - 23 games
"On Friday, July 6, 2018, I published several new walkthroughs for the games listed below! Many of these were paid for by my wonderful patrons at Patreon. Please consider supporting me to make even more new walkthroughs for works of..."

Cool games I like

by Seth Fisher - 8 games
"to be expanded"

lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis

by DAB - 5 games
"Please, add what you find/know to the corresponding poll. These are not all recommended for play, stress here is the list part of "Recommended List""


by Ivanr - 7 games
"This is a chronologically-ordered list of the games that are my personal favorites. These are the games that have stuck with me the way that a great movie or a great book does; a more restrictive criterion yet than my choice to give..."

Branching Narrative Structures

by ElliotM - 2 games
"A list sharing resource links and examples of branching narrative structures from some of the games I have played...."

Camp/"So Bad It's Good"

by Ivanr - 6 games
"It might seem strange that a video game, which relies on consistent and effortful coding in order to deliver any kind of experience, could be "so bad it's good" in the way that an Ed Wood movie is. But it can happen, as this list..."
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