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3 gamesThe Comp With No Name 2008 was an ADRIFT competition organized by Cowboy. The submission deadline was by June 1, 2008 (that is, the end of May 2008, UK time). Only non-registered users of ADRIFT could submit games. The prize was a free...
3 games; award date May 6, 2008The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
16 games in 10 divisions; award date March 9, 20085 games; award date February 17, 2008The third annual competition for IF games in French.
6 games; award date December 30, 2007This is a competition for any game made using ADRIFT that was either released during the calendar year 2007 or has not been previously released. The winners of mainstream ADRIFT competitions (eg: Ectocomp 2007) will automatically be...
9 games; award date December 23, 2007Nine games in contest: 4 in italian, 5 in english. Authors: thanks very much to all, guys.
27 games in 2 divisions; award date November 15, 2007The annual competition for original IF, judged by the readership of
4 gamesThe annual Adrift Hallowe'en (horror and sci-fi) themed competition. Entries must be completed in 3 hours. Here are the rules: * The theme is fairly general; ghost stories, horror, the supernatural, weird fiction, spine-chilling tales,...
7 games; award date August 26, 20073 games in 3 divisions; award date May 31, 2007A competition for IF art pieces with minimal use of plots or puzzles. Entrants were expected to focus on objects (Still Life division), scenery/rooms (Landscape division), NPCs (Portrait division), or activities (Event division).
4 games; award date April 26, 2007The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
21 games in 10 divisions; award date March 4, 20076 games; award date December 31, 2006This is a competition for any game made using ADRIFT that was either released during the calendar year 2006 or has not been previously released. The winners of mainstream ADRIFT competitions (eg: InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2006, ADRIFT...
4 games; award date December 29, 2006Second edition of the semi-regular French IF Comp
43 games in 2 divisions; award date November 15, 2006The annual competition for original IF, judged by the readership of
13 gamesThe Hourglass Competition, a.k.a. the 3rd Three Hour Games Competition, is a minicomp for new ADRIFT games written in three hours or less. Original voting deadline: 26th August 2006 and was extended to 31st August 2006. Organizer:...
7 games; award date August 6, 20063 games; award date July 21, 2006InsideADRIFT Summer Comp 2006 for unreleased games created in ADRIFT. The deadline was June 30th, 2006. This date was earlier to reduce possible scheduling conflicts with Spring Thing and IF Comp. The voting deadline was 21st July 2006....
4 games; award date April 24, 2006The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...
4 games; award date April 1, 2006The Writing Challenges Comp was open for any unreleased Adrift game based on one of five given locations. The game should have no more than ten rooms as defined in the ADRIFT Generator. Competition entries are to be in by 18th March 2006...