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The Andromeda Legacy Competition (2nd annual)

1 game; award date July 16, 2013
The 2nd annual Andromeda Legacy competition.

2012 XYZZY Awards

21 games in 11 divisions; award date May 11, 2013

Spring Thing 2013

3 games; award date April 29, 2013
The Spring Thing, also known as the Fall Fooferall, is an annual competition that was originally conceived and organized by Adam Cadre. The Spring Thing is designed to operate at the opposite time of year from the annual IF Comp in...

Ludum Dare 25

1 game; award date January 7, 2013
Global game design competition with the stipulation that games must be created from scratch in 48 hours. An extra day is allowed for a second category, "Jam" games which have relaxed rules.

The ultimate not numbered New Year's Speed IF

5 games
THE ULTIMATE NOT NUMBERED NEW YEAR'S SPEED IF (Yes, I do realize it has become more of a Minicomp. Deal with it.) For those unfamiliar with this, the motivation behind it is to offer people a chance at writing a small work of IF at the...

2012 Hugo Comp

6 games

EctoComp 2012

6 games; award date November 21, 2012

18th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2012)

28 games in 2 divisions; award date November 16, 2012
The annual competition for original IF with a maximum playing time of 2 hours.

ADRIFT 5 Intro Comp 2012

2 games; award date September 30, 2012
The V.5 has been out for quite a while now, and although there are some issues I believe that it’s good enough to use for writing a game. And since things have been quiet around here for too long now, I have decided to stir up the waters...

Ludum Dare 24

1 game; award date September 17, 2012
Global game design competition with the stipulation that games must be created from scratch in 48 hours. An extra day is allowed for a second category, "Jam" games which have relaxed rules.

IntroComp 2012

6 games; award date August 26, 2012

The Andromeda Legacy Competition

2 games; award date July 13, 2012
The Andromeda Legacy™: The Expansion of a Shrinking Universe First Annual IF Competition, Ed. 2012

Cover Stories

11 games
Cover Stories was a game jam / minicomp for artists and creators of interactive fiction. In the first stage, artists created or sourced images that they thought would make good covers for an IF game; in the second, authors chose covers...

Spring Thing 2012

4 games; award date May 7, 2012

French Comp 2011

6 games; award date April 22, 2012
7th edition (6th was cancelled) of the semi-regular French IF Comp.

2011 XYZZY Awards

25 games in 13 divisions; award date March 4, 2012

1st Annual Herbstlaub Competition

2 games; award date January 5, 2012
Like Spring Thing in the english speaking world, Herbstlaub is a competiton for longer, more ambitious works.

The penultimate not numbered Speed IF

11 games
Another good year for IF draws to a close. So it's time for another New Year's Speed! The motivation behind it is to offer people a chance at writing a small work of IF at the end of the year. Traditionally, the rules have been very...

Ectocomp 2011

10 games; award date December 2, 2011
The 5th annual Hallowe'en speed-IF competition. Entries are all written in 3 hours or less. Traditionally an ADRIFT-only event, 2011 is notable for being the first Ectocomp to allow non-ADRIFT entries.

Thanksgiving Speed-IF

6 games
A speed-IF! A veritable feast! Using the following inventory items, based on a list of photographed items from Grocible's book-in-progress: a top hat. a dragonfly*. a small crystal ball. two optical prisms. a water pistol. a magnifying...
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