
Results for tag:Parser
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by Benjamin Roux
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Wikipedia: The Text Adventure

by Kevan Davis
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

The Adventures of Peter Patzer, Who Sought Masterhood and Returned Not Quite the Same

by John C. Knudsen
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

The Lesson of the Chicken

, by Rob Noyes (1998)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

The one about the chicken, the lion and the monkey?

, by Sam Barlow (1998)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Deep Brow Lifter

, by Neil deMause (2000)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Lost In New York

, by Mikko Vuorinen (2000)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)


, by TerraCottaFrog (2016)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

The Great

, by Peter Blanston (2001)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)


, by Andrew MacKinnon (2001)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Killing the Doctor

, by Victor Verbitsky (2001)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Semi Intelligent Design

, by Andrew Dean (2009)
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

The Awakening: Prologue to the Saturn Chronicles

by PKProStudio
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Another Terminal Beach

by Mike Bonsall
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Day Out

by Zeno Pillan
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Their First Meeting

by dravianis
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

Camelot Jack

by David Turner
Tags matched: parser
(1 rating)

The Land of the Cyclops

by Francesco Cordella and Simone Di Conza
Tags matched: parser
(3 ratings)

The Amazing Maze

, by Daniel Gunnell (2019)
Tags matched: parser
(2 ratings)

Crystal Ball

, by Marian Taylor (1999)
Tags matched: parser
(2 ratings)
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