
Results for genre: Horror
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when i was shot by elephants

, by no m3rcy (2012)
(13 ratings)

Little Billy

, by Okey Ikeako (2000)
(3 ratings)

The Factory

, by SollyStartles (2013)
(3 ratings)

404- Life not Found (Beta)

by Evan Derby
(4 ratings)

Three Cows and Two Doors

, by NOM3RCY (2012)
(4 ratings)

Dead Hotel

by Comazombie
(13 ratings)

Quest for Flesh

, by Daniel Hiebert (2003)
(5 ratings)

The Lift

by Colin Capurso
(27 ratings)

The Tomb of the Ancient Pharaohs

, by Anne T. Brenner (1991)


, by Corey W. Arnett (2005)

The House

, by Juan Manuel Martín Castillo (1992)


, by Juan Manuel Martín Castillo (1989)


, by Michael J. Lyons (1988)

The High School of Horrors

, by Michael Haney and Aaron Hunt (1989)


, by Richard Otter (2006)

The Westbury Mystery

, by Dorothy Millard (1993)

The X-Child

, by Jesse Burneko (1998)

Welcome to Hell

, by Kevin Norton and Brandon Meyers (1998)

The Ellisnore Diamond

, by Jack Lockerby (1992)

Choose Your Own...

, by David Whyld (2004)
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