
Results for system:eamon
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The Ruins of Belfast

, by David Sparks (1990)

Mean Streets

, by Thomas Tetirick (1990)

The Infested Fortress

, by Mike Hamaoka and Paul Hamaoka (1987)

The Ruins of Ivory Castle

, by Mike Greifenkamp (1987)

The Final Frontier

, by Robert Slemon (1987)

Tomb of the Vampire

, by William Trent and Matthew Grayson (1988)

A Trip to Fort Scott

, by William Trent (1988)

Wizard of the Spheres

, by Marc Elkin (1987)

The Pixy Oak

, by Bruce Haylock (2005)

The Prism of Shadows

, by Wade Clarke and James Anderson (1993)

Dawn of the Warlock

, by Wade Clarke (1993)

The Vile Grimoire of Jaldi'al

, by Michael Penner (2020)

Le HLM Maudit (The Tenement of the Damned)

, by J. M. Menassanch (1985)

The Haunted House

, by Paul Van Bloem (1985)

Hammer's Slammers

, by Tom Zuchowski (2004)

Hammer's Slammers

, by Tom Zuchowski

The Wayfarers Inn

, by Michael Penner (2023)
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