Results for series:French Comp1-16 of 16
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16 results found
21 games in 5 divisions; award date April 9, 2024The 17th Edition of the French Comp. That year, the themes were "Illusion" and "Venu d'ailleurs" ("From elsewhere").
25 games in 5 divisions; award date March 2, 2023The 16th Edition of the French Comp. That year, the themes were "Trahison" (treason) and "Archive".
10 games in 4 divisions; award date February 28, 2022The 15th edition of the French Comp. The themes this year were "Reflet" ("reflection") and "Masque" ("mask").
10 games; award date February 22, 2021The 14th edition of the French Comp. Send your votes before Feb 22th (8pm CET) ; you'll be asked to rate each game in 3 categories : Overall Enjoyment, Writing, and Technical Quality A ribbon is also given to the game that used the theme...
8 games; award date March 5, 2020The 13th edition of the French Comp. The themes this year were "Cycle" and "Révolution".
5 games; award date February 24, 2019The 12th edition of the French Comp. Send your votes before Feb 24th (8pm CET) ; you'll be asked to rate each game in 3 categories : Overall Enjoyment, Writing, and Technical Quality A ribbon is also given to the game that used the theme...
5 games; award date February 25, 2018The 11th edition of the French Comp. Send your votes before Feb 25th (8pm CET) ; you'll be asked to rate each game in 3 categories : Overall Enjoyment, Writing, and Technical Quality. Use our Google Form to vote, which you can find on...
4 games; award date February 16, 201610th edition of the French Comp ! Send your votes before February 15th; you'll be asked to rate each game in 3 categories : Overall Enjoyment, Writing, and Technical Quality. Use our Google Form to vote, which you can find on our website...
3 games; award date March 16, 20159th edition of the semi-regular French Comp. Send your votes before March 15th; you'll be ask to rate each game in 3 categories : Overall Enjoyment, Writing, and Technical Quality.
4 games; award date February 2, 20148th edition of the semi-regular French Comp. Send your votes by Feb 2nd midnight(ish) to ifictionfr at gmail dot com. Votes must have 3 notes, out of 10 (10 being the best): one for Overall Enjoyment, one for Writing and one for...
6 games; award date April 22, 20127th edition (6th was cancelled) of the semi-regular French IF Comp.
3 games; award date February 9, 20095th edition of the semi-regular French IF Comp
5 games; award date December 16, 20084th edition of the semi-regular French IF Comp.
5 games; award date February 17, 2008The third annual competition for IF games in French.
4 games; award date December 29, 2006Second edition of the semi-regular French IF Comp
5 games; award date October 26, 2005The first annual competition for IF games in French.