Games featuring alchemy - an IFDB Poll

by Hellzon
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Games featuring alchemy, a subset of games with cool magic systems. There are at least some with puzzles based on mixing alchemical compounds, and even more where the setting is some kind of alt-historical "alchemy-punk".

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According to Cain, by Jim Nelson
1 vote
"Has you mix alchemical compounds throughout the game, with a nice twist at one point." [+]"Has you mix alchemical compounds throughout the game, with a nice twist at one point." () --Hellzon...

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Solarium, by Anya Johanna DeNiro
1 vote
"No alchemical..." [+]"No alchemical puzzles per se, but uses alchemy as a framing device." () --Dissolved...

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Worldsmith, by Ade McT
1 vote
"The starting worldbuilder puzzle features alchemy." [+]"The starting worldbuilder puzzle features alchemy." --Hellzon...

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Hadean Lands, by Andrew Plotkin
1 vote
"Features several alchemical systems." [+]"Features several alchemical systems." --Hellzon...

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The Weight of a Soul, by Chin Kee Yong
1 vote
"Alchemy-punk setting, no alchemical puzzles per se." [+]"Alchemy-punk setting, no alchemical puzzles per se." () --Hellzon...

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Onaar, by Robert DeFord
1 vote
""become an alchemist"" [+]""become an alchemist"" --JTN...

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Poll created on July 16, 2024