DynSkeet's Played Games

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Zork III, by Dave Lebling, Marc Blank
Average member rating: (78 ratings)

An old, oddly youthful man turns toward you slowly. His long, silver hair dances about him as a fresh breeze blows. "You have reached the final test, my friend! You are proved clever and powerful, but this...

Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz, by Steve Meretzky
Average member rating: (60 ratings)

The Great Underground Empire is in its heyday. Upscale condos crowd the massive caverns. Subterranean highways stretch from Aragain to the Fublio Valley. And no adventurer has yet set foot in the open field...

Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, by Marc Blank, Michael Berlyn, and G. Kevin Wilson
Average member rating: (31 ratings)

Grubald the Bold, Matchlick the Mighty, Linklaw the Lucky; all of the great Heroes are busy, laid up, contracted or dead. So it is you who gets to explore a never before seen part of the Great Underground...

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