In a Manor of Speaking is a punny adventure set in the surreal world of Calembour. Journey through the bizarre Outlands, the bustling streets of Rudeville, and eventually find your way to the manor itself as...
Evidence Sweet has been defeated in battle during the Annual Spellcasting Competition... again. Blasted into ancient Egypt with her spells seemingly scattered to the winds, she finds herself chased down by...
A sci-fi/pulp satire, extremely brief and slight (it can be beaten in 12 turns) beginning in a cell beneath the house of a mad scientist. The scientist lay dead at your feet, and now you must answer the...
In the Navy, by Ernesto Heywood Average member rating: (3 ratings) In the Spotlight, by John Byrd Average member rating: (8 ratings)
A one-room game with one major puzzle. Tie two strings together. Simple? [--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]
IN-D-I-GO SOUL, by Jonathan Blask Average member rating: (2 ratings)
Silly game written for the Indigo New Language Speed IF, where every entrant had to write his or her submission in a language they were unfamiliar with. Not recommended for young audiences.
Oh no! Somehow, your hairspray shrank you down to tiny size, and you're trapped on the kitchen counter. If only you could reach the phone on the other side of the sink, you could call for help. But instead,...
Indigo, by Emily Short Average member rating: (55 ratings)
"Years ago, a witch placed you in this tower and arranged for your upkeep, paying certain villagers well to keep you supplied with the most basic necessities, and no more. Your years in the tower have...
Indistinguishable, by MathBrush (as Prismatik) Average member rating: (4 ratings)
Inevitable, by Kathleen M. Fischer as Timothy Lawrence Heinrich Average member rating: (7 ratings) Inevitable, by Matthew Pfeiffer Average member rating: (9 ratings)
It's hard being an unsuccessful mad scientist. You're spending valuable time making ends meet when you should be bossing around henchmen. Now that your latest invention, the TIME SCRYER, is complete, nothing...
Infiltration on Io, by Ryan N. Freebern Average member rating: (4 ratings) Inform School, by William J. Shlaer Average member rating: (4 ratings)
NOTE: This "game" warns about the possibility (certainty!) of eventually crashing your interpreter. This will happen. It also warns about possibly locking up your entire computer. This is highly unlikely in...
An Informal Time, by Anonymous Average member rating: (8 ratings)
A brief experiment into Inform. It probably would help (not that the game is particularly hard, or particularly a game for that matter) if you are aware of IF slightly - but it isn't necessary. If you get...
Your friend Mike thinks no one can infiltrate THE FACILITY, but you're going to prove him wrong. A light puzzle game. In the author's opinion, it's totally family-friendly. (If you're playing the Browser...
Inspiration, by David S. Glasser Average member rating: (5 ratings) Inspiration!, by Jacob Polar Average member rating: (3 ratings)
"Tick tock. Tick tock. Hours pass by as you sit in your office trying to write your interactive fiction. But the plot just doesn't seem to work... You change a few sentences, read them, and erase them. And...
Interface, by Ben Vegiard Average member rating: (12 ratings)
What happens when your favorite uncle, a successful electronics company owner, has you try out his latest invention? Of course, something goes amiss and you must struggle to set it all right or suffer the...
In this odd, large, and sparsely-implemented game, you play as a civil servant sent by the incumbent governor to the tiny township of Sebastian to examine the records of the John B. Holden estate. There's...
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to travel through space and time to deliver a pizza. Failure is not an option. Hilarity, however, is. This was written for the 18th Anniversary Speed-IF. The...
In this game dedicated to the memory of Douglas Adams, you play as a holistic detective who believes in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things. Your client, Mrs Antrobus, has hired you to find her...
In this game, based on the Lewis Carroll poem "Jabberwocky", you play as a farmer's child, sent out before brillig to deal with the family's animals. You also find a tablet with a pattern of lines and...
In this tricky introduction to an incomplete game, you play as the Devil. You've traveled to Earth to collect the soul of Ezra Mayhew. You carry his contract, recorded in bile and blood, and his final...