News for Death off the Cuff

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Death off the Cuff app now free for Android devices!
July 15, 2023

Death off the Cuff is now available for free for Android users. The app is no longer actively maintained, so compatibility with never devices is not guaranteed.
Available as a bundle with PataNoir
January 30, 2021

Death off the Cuff is now available bundled with PataNoir, with a permanent 25% bundle discount.
Reported by Simon Christiansen (updated on November 20, 2021) | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Now available on Steam!
January 11, 2021
Store page:

Promotional page: 2

The Steam edition of “Death off the Cuff” is now available, featuring art, music, and new content in the form of clickable words. Get it while it’s hot!
Public Domain Dedication
August 16, 2020

The Inform 7 source code for Death off the Cuff is now in the Public Domain, available above.

Please note that this does include the illustrations, which still belong to the artist, Rikard Peterson.
Now available through
December 20, 2014
Release 8 of Death off the Cuff is now available through at This will henceforth be the only way to procure the latest version of the game.
Now available for iOS!
January 12, 2014

Death off the Cuff is now available on iTunes! This release utilizes Andrew Plotkins open source iOSGlulxe framework, modified to allow for unlocking the illustrations in a separate tab. Buy it before your neighbor!
Release 7 now available
September 30, 2013
Release 7 is now available, with some minor improvements:

- Added a one turn break before the reveal of the villain, so players won't get a huge text dump all at once, potentially causing them to miss important information.
- Added some missing quotation marks.

I've also removed the browser z-code version, since I can't be bothered to maintain two separate versions of the game.

Note: Release 6 is the Android version.
Now available for Android!
July 29, 2013

"Death off the Cuff" is now finally available on the Google Play store! Featuring Android interface by Jimmy Maher, illustrations by Rikard Peterson, and an innovative keyword parser that allows you to examine and talk about things without using any verbs. It's Death off the Cuff like you've never cuffed it before!
Reported by Simon Christiansen (updated on July 29, 2013) | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Release 5 - Illustrated Edition
May 13, 2013
A new release of Death off the Cuff is now available, with in-game illustrations by Rikard Peterson! The Android version is nearing completion, and will be coming soon.

Since Parchment doesn't work well with glulx, I have also released a z-code version with no illustrations, for those who prefer to play the game in the browser. This release is 95% identical with release 4, with only some minor changes to the text.
Reported by Simon Christiansen (updated on May 13, 2013) | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Release 4 - Live Free or Cuff Hard
March 15, 2013
Yet another new release is now available, with some major new features:

- New cover art by Rikard Peterson.
- Implicit object and topic interaction. The player can now both examine and talk about objects, and abstract topics, by simply typing the name of the object. Typing the name of an unexamined object will examine the object. Typing the name of an examined object, or an abstract topic, will talk about the object/topic. The "examined" status of an object will, of course, reset when the object description changes.
- The game now includes an interactive tutorial, designed to familiarize new players with the modes of interaction.
- The usual fixing of typos, grammatical errors, and so forth.

Coming soon:
- In-game illustrations.
- Android and Kindle releases.
Reported by Simon Christiansen (updated on May 6, 2013) | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Release 3 now available
August 29, 2012
The newest release of "Death Off the Cuff" is now available, with many fixes and improvements.

Change notes:

- Removed the conversation menus when talking about characters. Talking about a character will now result in general remarks about that character. Motives and alibis can be referred to directly as “A’s motive” and “A’s alibi”, where A is the person in consideration. Talking about “Motives” and “Alibis” in general, will result in a disambiguation menu listing all the possible options, assuming more than one is available.
- Accusing characters is now handled by the new “Accuse” command, which can be tried at any time.
- Once the real murderer has been revealed, it’s no longer possible to accuse other people, nor to talk about their alibis and motives.
- Rewrote a lot of the dialogue, especially the expository monologues, to improve the character voices.
- The disambiguation system has been made explicit, as lots of people would miss it. Examining or talking about a character will place him in focus, causing objects, including abstract ones like motives and alibis, to be prioritized by the parser. The current focus of the player will be displayed in the status line.
- Fixed a bug where the parser would not recognize object names containing apostrophes.
- Fixed several problems with the dialogue not properly taking the player's current level of knowledge into account.
- Fixed a multitude of typos and grammatical errors.
- Anthony Saint Germain is now Antoine Saint Germain.
- Detective Goodfellow is now Constable Goodfellow.
Reported by Simon Christiansen (updated on November 14, 2012) | History | Edit | Delete | Direct link
Post competition version released
November 29, 2010
The post competition version of "Death Off the Cuff" has been released. This release contains several major new feature:

- Abstract topics. Yes, you can now talk about the murder, the victim, the time of death and so on, without being told that it isn't there.
- The player now has to tear off peoples facial hair himself if he thinks it is fake. Careful, though. If you are wrong too many times people might stop taking you seriously.
- Major objects will no longer pop into existence when it is time to examine them. Uniforms, shirts and noses will be present from the start. Some minor details will still appear along the way, but the NPC will always be doing something to reveal them.
- Fixed numerous typos and grammatical errors.
- The player can now choose to give up and leave the hotel by typing a compass direction and answering yes.
- The player can also, more interestingly, "solve" the game by confessing to the murder himself.

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