IFDB APIs > taggame

The taggame API

The taggame API lets applications edit tags on IFDB games.


The taggame API is implemented as an http JSON web service at https://ifdb.org/taggame. All parameters are passed as JSON-encoded POST data with the HTTP request.

Provide your IFDB email address and password using HTTP Basic Authentication, using the Authorization: Basic ... header. (Optionally, you can provide "username" and "password" keys in the JSON request body, but Basic Authentication is preferred.)

Example request body

    "id": "the TUID for the game you want to update; required",
    "tags": [
        "one tag",
        "another tag",
        "yet another tag"

The tags you add will remove/replace all tags you've previously set on the current game. If you submit a request with ["example1"] and then later submit a request with ["example2"], the API will remove your "example1" tag, replacing it with "example2". If you pass an empty array [], all of the tags you've set will be removed.

To add a tag without removing any tags, first search for your existing tags using the search API. Perform a search like this:


Be sure to provide Basic Authentication credentials to the search. This will return a list of all of your own tags. Modify that tag list however you like, then submit your entire list of tags with this taggame API.

Reply format

The server replies to the request with an HTTP status code 200 OK on success.

On error, the server replies with another status code, and response text with an error message.