This game is one of the first I ever read on CYS, and it's still one of my absolute favorites to this day. The protagonist's inner struggle between the Emperor he's been conditioned to serve since birth, and the increasing amount of evidence that everything he's ever been taught is false, was engrossing to read. Indeed, the character's thoughts and feelings as his mindset slowly shifts from the person he was raised to be to who he wants to become, is so detailed and fleshed out, that you can actually immerse yourself in that pain and self-doubt. Every moment in the game feels special and unique, and the surrounding characters and their motivations are so well-written that their death, treason, suffering, ect. hits you right in the gut. Even his enemies have reasoning for what they do, and the game does a good job of showing you their perspective, until you (and, of course, the protagonist) no longer know what to do. The game isn't some glorified rape and murder fantasy, it's a genuine work of art that deserves to be a best-selling novel, and the fact that we all get to enjoy it for absolutely free is just an extension of the love and consideration that EndMaster put into this masterpiece.