Ratings and Reviews by Thrax

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Nevermore, by Nate Cull
Thrax's Rating:

The Lesson of the Tortoise, by G. Kevin Wilson
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John's Fire Witch, by John Baker
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Eurydice, by Anonymous
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Voices, by Aris Katsaris
Thrax's Rating:

Tapestry, by Daniel Ravipinto
Thrax's Rating:

Coke Is It!, by Lucian P. Smith, Adam Thornton, J. Robinson Wheeler, Michael Fessler, Dan Shiovitz, David Dyte
Thrax's Rating:

The Warbler's Nest, by Jason McIntosh
Thrax's Rating:

Letters from Home, by Roger Firth
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The Cabal, by Stephen Bond
Thrax's Rating:

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