Ratings and Reviews by Heli N.

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Goncharov Escapes!, by manonamora

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Car Chase or Not?, November 28, 2022

A short but intense and fun game (not interactive fiction game format you are used to), where you and your friend, who is skilled at getting you both in trouble, have to run (more like speed drive) for your lives. You will either have to completely rely on them (word of advice: DON'T) or be smart and rely on your fast reflexes which includes/means pushing a button "SPACE" on the keyboard before the time runs out.

Replayability, the dialogue and the surprises you get when reaching each of the eight endings are what made the game enjoyable to play (personal bias). You have to figure out by yourself how to reach all the endings, making it a simple yet clever puzzle.

Since the game is a submission of ONE Button Jam and the Goncharov Jam, the one button mechanism was implemented so that you advance/go to the next page/scene with only the click of a button on time or when the timer runs out. Those are the choices the player can make. It was a wise decision to implement this mechanism as it makes the game that much more immersive to the player.

UI was simple yet aesthetically pleasing with themes the player can choose to create the proper atmosphere before starting the playthrough. It was a template the developer had created from scratch and modified themselves which added to my giving the current star rating to the game.

The characters and their dialogue is a huge part of the story and they are funny as hell. I'm not going on much details to avoid spoilers but the comedic starting part is my favourite part.

Being this short and not needing anything to be added to it is just proof of the writer's skills. There may be some fixes or add-ons they make afterwards but to me this game is great just as it stands now. I highly reccomend to everyone to give this game a try.

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