Polls with votes for Cattus Atrox

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The worst IF ever? - 23 votes for 13 games; created October 18, 2013
A poll by theqbasicwizard
I'm wanting to do an episode for the podcast that deals with only the worst possible IF games ever programmed? You know the kind that if...

Most inappropriate response. - 15 votes for 9 games; created March 19, 2013
A poll by Biep
Sometimes responses simply don't make sense - but sometimes they DO make sense, but inappropriately so, with sometimes humorous results....

Worst IF Titles - 61 votes for 31 games; created February 13, 2011
A poll by diddlescatter
(Sorry, Fredrik, but your poll was such a great idea that I couldn't resist!) So here's the question: Which titles out there do you...

"Ed Wood" Games - 22 votes for 10 games; created March 8, 2009
A poll by murphy_slaw
I'm looking exquisitely bad games. Games with warped aesthetics and worldviews far removed from consensus reality. Games that are, in the...

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