Recommended Lists mentioning Hadean Lands
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 2 >> | Next | Show AllMy Top Ten List - 11 items
October 17, 2019A list by
MathBrushThis list is of my top 10 favorite games that I can also recommend to everyone. (Former items on this list included Anchorhead, Theatre,...
Top 20 by 2019 - 20 items
July 14, 2019A list by
kalaI have followed the one work per author rule.
Games that I couldn't put down - 35 items
April 14, 2016A list by
MathBrushThese are games that for some reason or over I just couldn't stop playing and thinking about. There are no specific reasons given. These...
Games of Infocom quality and length (or better) - 41 items
July 31, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are games that are as long as an Infocom game (i.e. Shade would be too short) and are as good quality (so Colossal Cave Adventure,...
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