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Babyface: prize sonnet
October 29, 2021 9:58 PM
As part of his prize, Mark Sample chose a sonnet about the game written by Victor Gijsbers. Here it is:


Don’t show me your face. O, believe me, it’s not
that I fear you ill-favoured, disfigured or plain;
but the glance of my eye will indelibly stain
your innocent beauty, will leave there a blot

that one can’t brush away; that cannot be forgot;
for to see is to judge, and however humane,
all judgement will pigeonhole, sort and restrain,
will poison your infinite freedom with rot.

Don’t show me your face. Keep it wrapped in a sheet.
You’ll be perfect as snow in a world without eyes.
And don’t fall for the mother bear’s trick with her cub:

don’t get licked into shape. Remain incomplete.
My love, when you’re seen, possibility dies –
because looking at something – uses it up.

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