Most Fun to Play

Recommendations by bluevelvetwings

These games have unique gameplay or character perspective. Most have unique mechanics or are otherwise just different. I had a lot of fun with all of these.

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1. Divis Mortis
by Lynnea Dally
Average member rating: (43 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

I'm a big zombie fan, and this is a great game for others who are as well.

2. Savoir-Faire
by Emily Short
Average member rating: (131 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

One of the first IF I ever played. It has unique mechanics and a lovely, elegant atmosphere that I adore.

3. Shade
by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (415 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

Scary and brief, but hugely entertaining and very fun.

4. Delightful Wallpaper
by Andrew Plotkin ('Edgar O. Weyrd')
Average member rating: (77 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

This has got to be one of the most fun games out there. Insanely unique take on a murder mystery. It's a tad difficult, though, which hampered my enjoyment just a bit. Still very fun.

5. Fear, by Chuan-Tze Teo (1996)
Average member rating: (9 ratings)
bluevelvetwings says:

Appropriately disturbed without being overly disturbing. It puts the fun in fear!

6. Olivia's Orphanorium
by Sam Kabo Ashwell
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

I haven't actually finished this game yet, but from what little I played it's hilarious and unique, worth a try.

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