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Escape to New York

by Richard Otter


Web Site

About the Story

Your name is Jack Thompson and you are, for want of a better word, a thief. On your latest adventure you have managed to acquire Johnson's 'The Willow Tree', which is worth more than you will be able to spend in a lifetime. With a buyer in New York you need to get there by Thursday 18th April, and as this is 1912 you have booked passage on a ship due to sail on Wednesday 10th April. All being well you should get to New York in plenty of time.

Unfortunately, someone must have squealed on you and before you can get to the ship the police arrive; luck being on your side you just managed to escape. You allow yourself a small smile at the good sense you had to send the 'goods' onto the ship by mail. Your parcel will now be sitting safely in the mailroom of the ship.

Deciding not to go directly to Southampton, as it must be crawling with police, your plan is to try to get over to Ireland and catch the ship there. It will be a close run thing but you should be able to do it. Once again luck is on your side and you just managed to board the ship before it sailed from Queenstown (Ireland now called Cobh) at 2.00pm. The date is Thursday 11th April.

With an uneasy feeling that someone followed you onto the ship, you have been hiding in your cabin as much as possible. Now it is Sunday 14th April 10.30pm and you finally work up the courage to leave your cabin, at this time of night fewer people should be about.

Objectives? Get 'your' painting out of the mailroom, avoid capture and leave the ship as soon as possible. So, the first thing to do is work out how to find your parcel and then how to get it.

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Page Update History

v.16: 23-Dec-2007 03:06 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed Web site URL
v.15: 08-Mar-2024 06:26 - Richard Otter
Changed description, external review links
v.14: 17-Mar-2023 15:34 - Richard Otter
Changed download links
v.13: 17-Mar-2023 15:32 - Richard Otter
Changed download links
v.12: 17-Mar-2023 15:31 - Richard Otter
Changed download links
v.11: 17-Mar-2023 15:30 - Richard Otter
Changed download links
v.10: 17-Mar-2023 14:01 - Richard Otter
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v.9: 27-Feb-2023 00:10 - Denk
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v.8: 26-Jan-2022 22:41 - Richard Otter
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v.7: 22-Mar-2009 02:20 - Richard Otter
Changed external review links
v.6: 22-Feb-2009 02:53 - Richard Otter
Changed download links
v.5: 22-Feb-2009 02:45 - Richard Otter
Changed download links
v.4: 10-Jan-2008 17:54 - Richard Otter
Changed author
  v.3: 23-Dec-2007 03:06 - Richard Otter
Changed Web site URL
v.2: 19-Oct-2007 19:48 - Richard Otter
Changed description, download links
v.1: 16-Oct-2007 01:47 - IFDB
Created page