
Denver, Colorado

Member since May 28, 2023
Last visited June 8, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): wwvek5qopxtxlbhq

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IF writer/dev


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Interactive Fiction by wKossuth

The Hallowed Halls of Archenjuld, by Westley Kossuth (2022)
An interactive short story/text adventure that I wrote and made with Twine. It has branching narrative, a small side quest, and multiple endings.

Underwall: An Arcane Mystery, by Westley Kossuth (2023)
You've been a Detective in the sleepy village of Underwall for years, but nothing you've seen has shaken the community quite like this. An explosion without a flame, a magical ritual gone awry ,...

Stuck: An Interactive Horror Fiction, by Westley Kossuth (2023)
It's 1998. You're a bass player on tour with your band. You fall asleep on the tour bus, and wake up to find the bus broken down and your bandmates missing. Leaving out the bass player, typical....

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Reviews by wKossuth

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